No dia 20/12/13 (sexta-feira), realizamos a festa de encerramento do ano letivo, que contou com a presença dos pais e familiares de nossas crianças, funcionárias, comunidade, autoridades e membros do Conselho Diretor da AMAI. Para abrilhantar o evento, tivemos a apresentação, com todos os nossos pequenos, de uma cantata sobre o nascimento de Jesus, apresentação das professoras, entrega de certificados para as crianças que completam seis anos e ainda brindes para colaboradores. Ao final, nos confraternizamos com muitas quitandas e frutas. Agradecemos a todos que ajudaram de alguma maneira no decorrer deste ano. Queremos desejar um Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo!!
On 20.12.13 (Friday), we performed school's end-of-the-year-cerimony party, which was attended by the children's parents and relatives, staff, community officials and members of the Board of AMAI. To enliven the event, we had a presentation with all our kids, the singing about the birth of Jesus, the teachers' presentation, delivery of certificates for children who complete six years and still gifts to employees. At the end, we interacted with each other with many greengrocers and fruit. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way during this year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Translation:On 20.12.13 (Friday), we performed school's end-of-the-year-cerimony party, which was attended by the children's parents and relatives, staff, community officials and members of the Board of AMAI. To enliven the event, we had a presentation with all our kids, the singing about the birth of Jesus, the teachers' presentation, delivery of certificates for children who complete six years and still gifts to employees. At the end, we interacted with each other with many greengrocers and fruit. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way during this year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!